Aloha Music Series

Upcoming Shows

Benny Uyetake's Kanikapila
Uncle Benny Uyetake’s Kanikapila
With Special Guest
Ron Kuala’au

September 25, 2024

Mulligans On The Blue

Maui’s musical treasure, Uncle Benny Uyetake, re-imagines Kanikapila with storytelling and world-class music. Kanikapila, gathering together to play music, has been a well-loved traditional Hawaiian pastime. It’s these types of impromptu jam sessions that create an exceptionally rare evening on the islands. Through the Aloha Music Series, Uncle Benny will introduce you to the new sounds from the islands and transport you to old Hawaiʻi as he hosts upcoming artists and legends. You never know who else is going to show up and Kanikapila!

Supported by: Hawaii Tourism Authority and The Maui Chamber of Commerce

Past Shows

Uncle Benny Uyetake's Kanikapila
Uncle Benny Uyetake’s Kanikapila
With Special Guest, Kevin Brown

August 7, 2024

Mulligans On The Blue

Andrew & Jay Molina - The World of Ukulele
Andrew & Jay Molina
Special Guest – Willy Wainwright
Ukulele Workshop Pre-Show

July 17, 2024

Mulligans On The Blue


July 10, 2024

Mulligans On The Blue
Featured Artist

Uncle Benny Uyetake's Kanikapila
Benny Uyetake’s Kanikapila

Featured Artist

Special Guest, Kala’e Camarillo

June 26, 2024
Mulligans On The Blue

Sponsored by Great Rentals on Maui

June 12, 2024

Mulligans On The Blue
Featured Artist

Tavana Summer 2024 Tour

June 27, 2024 – July 2, 2024

California Tour
Featured Artist


May 15, 2024

Mulligans On The Blue
Guest Artist


Feb 14, 2024

Mulligans On The Blue
Guest Artist

Mahalo To Our June 26, 2024
Show Sponsor!

Great Rentals on Maui


Aloha Music Series
Presented By

Aloha Growers LLC